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An anthology of sacred texts and environmental literature selected, introduced and illuminated by Diana Wege.

Uniting religion and ecology on the same side, EARTH: The Anthology contains eight sacred texts of major world religions followed by eleven seminal works by renowned environmentalists, reprinted in their entirety.


The first page of each book features illuminations after masters of landscape painting and hand calligraphy in the style of a holy manuscript. Verse numbers appear throughout the texts in both the religious and environmental writings, for readers to cite and study.

Introduction to The First Testament


The book EARTH is a union of eight sacred texts and classic environmental literature. The books focused on Nature function as an addendum to the foundational book of each religious belief. Every religion is acknowledged here as honorable and respected as an interpretation inspired by G-d’s whisper to imperfect ears. It is the first time these holy words have been gathered together in one book; touching each other; not separated by covers; literally and figuratively bound together, and written with the intention of directing its believers toward a healthy coexistence with guidance from a Higher Power or Creator. They have more in common with each other than typically thought which I believe this book demonstrates visually and tangibly. Most of the sacred texts are Creation stories. In fact, in the first sentence of the first religious book ever written, the word “earth” appears not once, but twice. Attempting to make sense of the creation of Earth is a common concept in all religious teachings. Accepting the Earth and all life as the miraculous work of an all-powerful Creator is common to all faiths. This work seeks to unite all religions, all people, not with a common dogma, but with a simple priority, in effect, a global priority to honor Creation as sacred.

Introduction to The Last Testament


The following classic books are revelations, which honor the millions of species omitted from ancient writings. They were chosen for their transporting beauty, fascinating treatment of their distinct subject matter, and diverse viewpoint of male and female voices equally represented. Sacred religious texts were written as spiritual guidance highlighting the relationship between God and Man. The original writers had not the slightest inkling of radioactivity, chemical compounds, fossil fuels and their life killing capabilities and how they would affect future populations. These prophetic authors from this and the last century do. They offer realistic, but hopeful guidance for the future despite the catastrophic harm we have introduced into sacred Creation. Their beautifully written texts can serve as pathways and guides to lead productive, peaceful lives. Their writings can be used as motivation to strengthen a global culture of optimistic action in balance with understanding of the Creator as Artist, Sculptor, Composer, Engineer and Scientist, for the next millennium.

Our Earth with its exquisite diversity of life and ecosystems, is an awe-inspiring planetary masterpiece. Let us treat it, and all species who live here, with reverence, sensitivity, and glory.

The First Testament

The Last Testament

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